The DelMarVa Baptist Fellowship is an association of independent Baptist churches stretching across Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. We began our fellowship in 1956.
Together we are able to:
* Raise a united voice for Bible-believing fundamental Baptist Churches
* Take a united stand against apostasy, the Charismatics and interdenominationalism
* Have a united front for the historic Baptist faith
* Bring encouragement to churches of ‘like precious faith’ (II Peter 1:1)
* Work together to accomplish ministries that one single church cannot or would find
difficult to do: Bible Camps/Youth Rallies/New Church planting/etc.
* Help avoid an isolationist-cult mentality. Our Fellowship maintains the autonomy and
sovereignty of the local church.
* Provide a wider Christian fellowship yet with those of similar convictions.
* Promote an atmosphere for spiritual growth and challenge through regularly
scheduled conferences; men’s retreats, ladies’ retreats, etc.
* Provide direction and strengthening for the position of the local church
* Have a ‘network’ of churches for involvement in Ordination Councils for new pastors;
recognition. Councils for new churches; and for sending forth of our God-called missionaries.
Copyright 2006 by Delmarva Baptist Fellowship